Olney Elementary Health Room

Welcome to the Nurse’s Corner!   

We’ll post important information about student health here.


Nurse Myers – Email


Physical Examinations

Examinations are required by law upon original entry into school and in the 6th and 11th grades. Parents are requested to have these examinations done during the summer months by family physicians. Reports of these examinations are due at the opening of school in September. Dental exams are required upon entry for grades K, 3, and 7.

Temporary or permanent health problems should be reported to the school. The school will report to the parents in writing or by phone call any deviations from normal health that are discovered or suspected in school.

Pennsylvania Department of Health regulations require that all students attending school must be fully immunized. The only exceptions to these regulations are those students for whom immunization is not medically advisable or those for whom immunization is contrary to religious or moral convictions. Students who are not fully immunized will be prevented from entering school.

Health Screenings

All students are seen each year in a conference. During the conference each student is weighed and measured and is give a vision test. Students in grade 6th and 7th are screened for scoliosis. Selected students are given a hearing test. Written reports that deviate from the norm are sent home to the parent. Parents are asked to contact the nurse by a phone call or note after a doctor has evaluated the student.
Emergency Contact Forms and First Aid

No student may leave the school for health reasons without prior  authorization of the principal or health service. Parents/Guardians are required to come to school to pick up any student needing to leave school for health reasons. Students are not permitted to walk home from school without a parent or guardian.

All students must have an emergency contact form in the health office. Tylenol and Ibuprofen WILL NOT be given to any student without this form on file. The form can be found on our website or sent home with your child.

Important information on when to keep your student home

1. Fever – 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, the student should remain home until free of fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medications.
2. Diarrhea – The student may return to school 24 hours after being free of symptoms.
3. Vomiting – Occurrence of more than one episode of vomiting and associated with other symptoms. May return to school 24 hours after being free of symptoms.
4.  Absence notes – This must be sent when the student returns to school. For absences of 3 or more consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required in order to be excused.

Helpful Tips for Staying Healthy

1. Frequent hand washing is the BEST way to prevent and combat the spread of germs. Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds.
2. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
3. If your son/daughter has any signs and symptoms of illness, please keep them home.
4. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands.
5. Do not share drinks, food, or unwashed utensils.
6. Get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods, and drink lots water.
7. Avoid people who are sick and stay home when you are sick.
8. Disinfect surfaces that are prone to germs (ex. phones, keyboards, door knobs, toothbrushes).

Medication Administration at School

Parents/guardians are asked to contact the school nurse if a child has any special nursing care needs that must be provided during school hours. Examples of this includes blood sugar checks, seizure precautions or other medical needs. The nurse will facilitate and coordinate arrangements for meeting these needs, along with parent/guardian and physician collaboration and input.

“Medication” is any drug used for treating an injury, disease, or symptoms of an illness that is prescribed by a qualified health care provider. This also pertains to over­-the-­counter medications.

Administration of medications, especially short term, should be done at home whenever possible. If a student is required to take medication during the school day, the medication should be taken to school by parents/guardians or an adult designee. A Medication Permission from the Health Care Provider should accompany all medication, including for the treatment of allergies, asthma, or diabetes.

Please see the MED­1 Form listed under forms to take to your physician. There is one for Asthma and then a general one.

MED-1 Asthma Form.docx

Health Forms:

Annual Student Emergency and Medical Information Form (S-865)



Med 1-Medication Form (PDF):




SEC-137A Physician’s referral for homebound instruction (PDF)




S-865 Student Emergency /Medical Information (PDF)


Dental Form MEH 155


Common Signs and Symptoms

COVID-19 is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2.  Most common symptoms include fever, fatigue, body aches, cough, headache, and sore throat. Loss of taste or smell, as well as diarrhea or nausea, can also occur.  Some people never develop symptoms or may have very mild symptoms.

COVID-19 illness tends to be more serious in the unvaccinated, the elderly, those with chronic medical conditions, and those who are immunocompromised.

Incubation Period

The incubation period is typically 2-4 days (can be up to 14 days).

Method of Infection

The virus that causes COVID-19 can spread to susceptible persons by airborne particles and droplets. Activities such as singing, exercising, coughing, and sneezing may generate more particles.  Contracting the virus from contaminated surfaces is rare and does not constitute a significant mode of transmission.

Recommended Therapy and Management

In most cases COVID-19 illness will resolve on its own without the use of medication.  Rest and drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. Antibiotics are not recommended.  For those individuals 12 and up at risk of severe COVID-19 complications, antiviral treatment is available and should be initiated as soon as possible after a positive test or symptom onset.

Immunization Availability and Requirements

A routine COVID-19 vaccination regimen is recommended for all eligible children with the first dose given at 6 months of age as it is shown to significantly reduce the risk of hospitalization, death and Long-COVID syndromes.  Catch-up vaccination should be recommended for any student who has not received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine previously. Number of doses is dependent on the product and age.

Exclusion from School

Children or staff with symptomatic respiratory illness must be excluded from school until fever-free for 24 hours without use of fever reducing medications and symptoms are improving.  Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms consistent with a respiratory virus should take precautions (improve air quality, respiratory hygiene, and masks) for 5 days after their return to school.  Individuals who test negative after testing positive are very unlikely to transmit disease to others and may return to school.

School Observation Period and Control Measures

Students and staff exposed to a positive case of COVID-19 should take precautions (improve air quality, respiratory hygiene, and masks) for 1-2 weeks after exposure and stay home if they become ill.

Reportable to PDPH

Any outbreaks of individuals with symptom onset within 7 days of each other must be reported to the DDC.  An outbreak is defined as 3 individuals in a group of 17 or less, 5 in a group of 18-50, or 10 in a group of more than 50.  In addition, any hospitalizations or deaths due to COVID-19 must be reported.


General control measures to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses in a school include getting all vaccines for which you are eligible, practicing respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene regularly, and optimizing indoor air quality.  COVID-19 typically peaks in the fall or winter, but unlike other respiratory diseases, it circulates all year.